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Surface Place

Allows the placement of entities on top of surfaces.


Tags: Surface


Inputs [Select]
The type of input port.
Setting a Single (circle) input means that the node will be executed once per surface.
Setting a Collective (square) input means that the node will be executed once for all surfaces. Especially useful when actors are to be placed on the surfaces, but it would be complex to match with the right surface.
Single [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Processes one Surface entity at a time.
Collective [Compound] [Adds ports 2]
Processes all Surface entities at a time.
Entity [Select]
Entities to place on the surface.
Actor [Compound] [Adds ports 3, 4]
Places actors on the surface.
Sample Location [Compound]
Location to use as placement reference.
Position [Vector3D]
Position relative to the actor scope origin.
Offset [Choice]
Indicates if the position is measured as absolute units or scope-size relative value (between 0 and 1)
Mesh [Compound] [Adds ports 5, 6]
Places meshes on the surface.
Keep Planar [Boolean]
Indicates if the meshes adapt all their vertices on the terrain, of if they should be forced to remain planar Enforcing planarity could mean that not all vertices would be lying on the terrain.
Path [Compound] [Adds ports 7, 8]
Places paths on the surface.


This node has no native inputs.

Parameter Inputs

  • [1] Single [Single | Surface]: Processes one Surface entity at a time.
  • [2] Collective [Collective | Surface]: Processes all Surface entities at a time.
  • [3] Actor [Collective | Actor]: Actors to be placed on the surface.
  • [5] Mesh [Collective | Mesh]: Meshes to be placed on the surface.
  • [7] Path [Collective | Path]: Paths to be placed on the surface.


  • Surface [Surface]: Surface on which the entities where placed.

Parameter Outputs

  • [4] Actor [Actor]: Actors that were placed on the surface.
  • [6] Mesh [Mesh]: Meshes that were placed on the surface.
  • [8] Path [Path]: Paths that were placed on the surface.