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Unity Entity Create

Creates Unity Entities (i.e. Game Objects) with given characteristics. Can load existing prefabs and carry mesh or Actor data.


Tags: Unity Entity


Name [String]
Name of the Game Object, as it appears in the "Hierarchy" panel.
Enabled [Boolean]
Enabled flag that allows gameobject state to be toggled.
Static [Boolean]
IsStatic flag that allows gameobject drawing to be optimized.
Layer [String]
Layer of the Game Object.
Prefab [String]
Path to the prefab, relative to the "Assets" folder.e.g. For example Assets/MyFolder/myprefab
Positioning [Choice]
Defines how the prefab positioning should be placed within the Game Object scope.
Minimum means that prefab will be translated so that its minimum point will match the scope minimum.Pivot means that the prefab will be translated so that its pivot point will match the scope minimum.
Scale Mode [Choice]
Defines how the prefab dimensions should be placed within the Game Object scope.
None means that prefabs will be left with its original scaling.Stretch To Fill means that the prefab will stretched to fill the scope volume.
Scale To Fit means that the prefab will be scaled, maintaining aspect ratio, so it completely fits withing the scope volume.
Tag [String]
Tag of the Game Object.
Options [Select]
Other options for the creation of the Game Object.
From Actor [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Creates a unity entity from a given actor, making use of its transform (translation/rotation/scale) only.
From Billboard [Compound] [Adds ports 2]
Creates a unity entity from a given billboard, making use of its transform (translation/rotation/scale) and creating a billboard component.
From Mesh Instance [Compound] [Adds ports 3]
Creates a unity entity from a given mesh instance, making use of its transform (translation/rotation/scale) and creating a mesh component (filter/renderer).
From Mesh [Compound] [Adds ports 4]
Creates a unity entity from a given mesh, making use of its transform (translation/rotation/scale) and creating a mesh component (filter/renderer).
From Surface [Compound] [Adds ports 5]
Creates a unity entity from a given surface, making use of its transform (translation/rotation/scale) and creating a terrain component.
Simple [Compound]
Defines the transformation of the unity object from the same Translation/Rotation/Scale vectors that Unity provides by default.
Translation [Vector3D]
Translation (in Unity Coordinates) or the Unity Entity.
Rotation [Vector3D]
Rotation (in Unity Coordinates) or the Unity Entity.
Scale [Vector3D]
Scale (in Unity Coordinates) or the Unity Entity.


This node has no native inputs.

Parameter Inputs

  • [1] Input [Single | Actor]: The actor entity from which to create the unity game object.
  • [2] Input [Single | Billboard]: The billboard entity from which to create the unity game object.
  • [3] Input [Single | Mesh Instance]: The mesh instance entity from which to create the unity game object.
  • [4] Input [Single | Mesh]: The mesh entity from which to create the unity object.
  • [5] Input [Single | Surface]: The surface entity from which to create the unity game object.


  • Output [Unity Entity]: