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Surface Material

Applies rendering materials to surfaces.


Tags: Surface


Material [Select]
The type of material to apply to this surface.
Blend Color [Compound]
Renders the surface with the colors corresponding to the first 4 blend layers as RGBA components.
Color [Compound]
Renders the surface with one color.
Color [Color]
The color to render the surface with.
Default [Compound]
The default material, which simply renders the surface with a grid pattern. Simple for surface visualization.
Fur [Compound]
Sets a fur-looking effect to a surface. Useful to simulate grass or otherwise furry materials.
Texture [File]
The underlying texture to set on the terrain.
UV [Vector2D]
The UV sizing coordinates for texture mapping.
Absolute Sizing [Boolean]
Indicates if the defined UV coordinates represent an absolute size in world space, or relative to the surface size.
Fur Density [Float]
Density of the fur effect of the material.
Jitter Map Scale [Float]
The jitter map scale of the material effect.
Max. Fur Length [Float]
The maximum length of each fur hair.
Self Shadow Strength [Float]
The strength of the self shadowing effect.
Multi Texture [Compound]
Sets a multi-layer material, whereas its textures are chosen and interpolated based on the defined splatmap (defined, for instance, through the surface painting node).
Textures [List]
The textures of the material
Texture [File]
Texture of the material.
UV [Vector2D]
The UV sizing coordinates for texture mapping.
Absolute Sizing [Boolean]
Indicates if the defined UV coordinates represent an absolute size in world space, or relative to the surface size.
Texture [Compound]
Sets a single texture as the default diffuse texture of the terrain.
Texture [File]
The diffuse texture to set on the terrain.
UV [Vector2D]
The UV sizing coordinates for texture mapping.
Absolute Sizing [Boolean]
Indicates if the defined UV coordinates represent an absolute size in world space, or relative to the surface size.


  • Input [Single | Surface]: The Surface to process.


  • Output [Surface]: The Surface that was processed.