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Mesh Subselect

Selects a subset of faces from a given mesh creating new meshes.


Tags: Mesh


Mesh Selection [Multi-Type List]
The mesh selections to apply.
All [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Selects all (remaining) faces.
Separate [Optional]
if true, each one of the faces of the mesh will be placed into a separate mesh entity.
Separate [Compound]
Separation options.
Attributes [Choice]
Defines what the attributes of the individual meshes should be: if they should take the attributes of the parent, use the ones of the face or mix both.
Scope [Choice]
Defines how the 3D Scope of the individual meshes should be: if they should inherit from the parent mesh or assume new ones, adjusted to the orientation of the face.
Custom [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Selects faces by a custom condition.
Condition [Boolean]
Condition to evaluate for each face. If true, the face will be included in the resulting mesh. Can access the attributes of each face using the @@attributeName notation.
Separate [Optional]
if true, each one of the faces of the mesh will be placed into a separate mesh entity.
Separate [Compound]
Separation options.
Attributes [Choice]
Defines what the attributes of the individual meshes should be: if they should take the attributes of the parent, use the ones of the face or mix both.
Scope [Choice]
Defines how the 3D Scope of the individual meshes should be: if they should inherit from the parent mesh or assume new ones, adjusted to the orientation of the face.
Direction [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Selects faces based on the direction of their normals.
Vector [Select]
The direction of the face normals.
Back [Compound]
Facing back (-Y direction).
Bottom [Compound]
Facing bottom (-Z direction).
Custom [Compound]
Any other direction.
Vector [Vector3D]
The direction to compare to.
Front [Compound]
Facing front (+Y direction).
Horizontal [Compound]
Facing horizontal (+Y,-Y direction).
Lateral [Compound]
Facing lateral (+X,-X direction).
Left [Compound]
Facing left (-X direction).
Right [Compound]
Facing right (+X direction).
Side [Compound]
Facing side (+X,-X,+Y,-Y direction).
Top [Compound]
Facing bottom (+Z direction).
Vertical [Compound]
Facing vertical (+Z,-Z direction).
Angle Tolerance [Float]
The angle tolerance which will be used for the comparison.
Relative To [Choice]
Indicates if the direction to compare to will be relative to the scope or the world.
Separate [Optional]
if true, each one of the faces of the mesh will be placed into a separate mesh entity.
Separate [Compound]
Separation options.
Attributes [Choice]
Defines what the attributes of the individual meshes should be: if they should take the attributes of the parent, use the ones of the face or mix both.
Scope [Choice]
Defines how the 3D Scope of the individual meshes should be: if they should inherit from the parent mesh or assume new ones, adjusted to the orientation of the face.
Index [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Selects faces from the mesh by their index.
Index [Int]
Index of the face to select.
Separate [Optional]
if true, each one of the faces of the mesh will be placed into a separate mesh entity.
Separate [Compound]
Separation options.
Attributes [Choice]
Defines what the attributes of the individual meshes should be: if they should take the attributes of the parent, use the ones of the face or mix both.
Scope [Choice]
Defines how the 3D Scope of the individual meshes should be: if they should inherit from the parent mesh or assume new ones, adjusted to the orientation of the face.


  • Input [Single | Mesh]: The mesh which to apply the subselection to.


This node has no native outputs.

Parameter Outputs

  • [1] Output [Mesh]: The mesh resulting from the faces that matched the respective selection.