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Mesh Modify

Applies sequences of geometrical, scope or property transformations to the given input mesh.


Tags: Mesh, Offset (Advanced), Align Scope, Cleanup, Convexify, Extrude, Lathe, Manipulate Normals, Offset, Prismify, Pyramidize, Shared Inset, Simplify, Spherify, Triangulate


Operation [Select]
The operation to be applied to the mesh.
Offset (Advanced) [Compound]
Replaces all faces with offset versions that either go inward or outward. Similar to the "Offset" option, but returns better results for more complex, concave faces, yet has some limitations on some simpler cases.
Amount [Float]
Amount to be offset.
Style [Choice]
Style of corners to generate. Applies to positive (outward) offsets only.
Keep Original [Boolean]
Indicates if the "Inside" section (and the performed hole) should be kept (in case of positive offset) or if the "Outside" section (with its hole) should be kept (in case of negative offset).
Section [Attribute]
Attribute where the type of created face will be stored. Resulting faces of this operation will have this attribute set at either "Inside" or "Outside".
Align Scope [Compound]
Aligns the mesh scope to a particular face or edge.
Alignment [Select]
Type of scope alignment to perform.
To Edge [Compound]
Aligns the scope to the given edge of a given face.
Face Index [Int]
Index of the edge (for the selected face) that will serve as base for scope alignment.
Edge Index [Int]
Index of the face whose edge will serve as base for scope alignment.
To Face [Compound]
Aligns the scope to the first edge of a given face.
Face Index [Int]
Index of the face whose first edge will serve as base for scope alignment.
Cleanup [Compound]
Removes vertices that are too close together.
Min. Distance [Float]
The minimum allowed distance between the vertices. Vertices whose distance is lower than this value will be removed.
Convexify [Compound]
Replaces the mesh faces with convex polygonal ones.
Extrude [Compound]
Creates extruded geometries from each mesh face.
Amount [Float]
Amount to be extruded.
Method [Select]
Extrusion method to be applied.
Directional [Compound]
Extrudes along a given direction.
Direction [Vector3D]
Direction of the extrusion.
Offset [Float]
Amount of offset at the end of the extrude. Positive values means the end will be larger, negative values means that it will be smaller.
Relative To [Choice]
Indicates if the operation should be relative to the scope's direction or to the world.
Bend Top [Boolean]
Indicates if the top should be bent, making the top face's normal match the extruded direction.
Normal [Compound]
Extrudes along the face normals.
Offset [Float]
Amount to offset at the end of the extrusion. Positive values means the end will be larger, negative values means that it will be smaller.
Shared [Compound]
Extrudes along the shared edges.
Transform [Compound]
Extrudes along the face normals while performing scaling and rotation transformations.
Rotation Angle [Float]
The angle to be rotated.
Axis [Vector3D]
The angle around which to rotate.
Sizing [Choice]
The type of sizing to consider.
Radius means that the indicated value corresponds to the radius for rotation.
Length means that the indicated value corresponds to the length of the extrusion block.
Scaling [Float]
The amount of scaling to perform, from the bottom to the top.
Segments [Int]
The number of segments in which the extrusion should be divided.
Cap [Boolean]
Indicates if the original face should be included in the final result as well
Section [Attribute]
Attribute where to store the name of the section for each created face. Values can be "Top" (for the top faces), "Side" (for the side faces), "Cap" (for the bottom faces, if the Cap option is checked), or "Inside" (for the side faces that result from holes).
Lathe [Compound]
Performs a lathe operation that creates a new mesh from rotating the input mesh around a given axis.
Axis [Choice]
The axis around which the lathe operation should be performed.
Distance From Axis [Float]
Distance from the axis.
Segments [Int]
Number of segments that the created mesh should posses.
Manipulate Normals [Compound]
Updates the normal vectors at the mesh vertices.
Type [Choice]
Type of normal calculation to perform.
Flat means that the normals of the vertices will match the corresponding face normal, creating a flat shading effect.
Smooth means that the normals of the vertices will be averaged from the faces they belong to, creating a smooth shading effect.
Offset [Compound]
Replaces all faces with offset versions that either go inward or outward.
Amount [Float]
Amount to be offset.
Section [Attribute]
Attribute where the type of created face will be stored. Resulting faces of this operation will have this attribute set at either "Inside" or "Outside".
Prismify [Compound]
Creates prism geometries from each mesh face.
Amount [Select]
Dimension of the prism to create. This can either be set as the height value or the angle between the planes.
Angle [Float]
The angle between the planes.
Height [Float]
The prism height.
Style [Select]
Type of prism to create.
Simple [Compound]
A simple prism-like solid, built from a central axis defined by the scope orientation.
Skeleton [Compound]
A prism-like solid built from a central skeleton axis defined by the face shape.
Overhang [Vector2D]
Similar to the "simple", but creating extra overhang faces, resembling a roof-like structure.
Section [Attribute]
Attribute where the type of created face will be stored. Possible values are "Top" and "Side".
Pyramidize [Compound]
Creates pyramid geometries from each mesh face.
Height [Float]
The height of the created pyramids.
Cap [Boolean]
Indicate if the original face should be included in the final result as well
Shared Inset [Compound]
Replaces all faces with inset versions based on the edges that are not shared.
Amount [Float]
Amount to be inset.
Section [Attribute]
Attribute where the type of created face will be stored. Resulting faces of this operation will have this attribute set at either "Inside" or "Outside".
Simplify [Compound]
Simplifies faces of the mesh by removing vertices which do not introduce a noticeable detail.
Angle Tolerance [Float]
The angle tolerance, in degrees. Vertices whose edge angles differ less than this value from 180 degrees (meaning that they are rather straight) are removed.
Spherify [Compound]
Creates hemisphere geometries from each mesh face.
Height [Float]
Height of the hemispheres.
Circle Section Angle [Float]
Angle defining the hemisphere curvature.
Segments [Int]
Number of segments to interpolate the hemispheres..
Cap [Boolean]
Indicate if the original face should be included in the final result as well
Triangulate [Compound]
Triangulates the mesh so that the created mesh is only made out of triangles.


  • Input [Single | Mesh]: The Mesh to process.


  • Output [Mesh]: The Mesh that was processed.