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Writes logging messages to the designated log panel.


Tags: Entity


Inputs [Select]
The type of input port.
Setting a Single (circle) input means that the node will be executed once per entity. Useful to log a different message for each entity.
Setting a Collective (square) input means that the node will be executed once for all entities. Useful to log a message for a whole set of entities.
Single [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Processes one Entity entity at a time.
Collective [Compound] [Adds ports 2]
Processes all Entity entities at a time.
Type [Choice]
Type of message to printed.
Messages [List]
The list of messages to be printed.
Text [String]
A message to log.


This node has no native inputs.

Parameter Inputs

  • [1] Single [Single | Entity]: Processes one Entity entity at a time.
  • [2] Collective [Collective | Entity]: Processes all Entity entities at a time.


  • Output [Entity]: Entities that were sent to the input.