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Allows data flow control and redirection by evaluating conditions on input entities.


Tags: Entity, If...Else, Switch...Case, Type


Check [Select]
Check operation for condition evaluation.
If...Else [Compound]
Performs entity flow control based on conditions that are evaluated for each entity.
Conditions [List]
List of conditions to be evaluated. The first to evaluate to true will return the entity to its corresponding output. Otherwise, the entity will pass on to the next condition.
If [Boolean] [Adds ports 1]
Condition to be evaluation
Else [Compound] [Adds ports 2]
If none of the conditions are true, the entity will be sent to this "Else" output.
Switch...Case [Compound]
Performs entity flow control based on equality comparisons that are evaluated for each entity.
Switch [Object]
A parameter that accepts any type of data. Is set as an expression by default.
Cases [List]
The list of values to compare to.
Case [Object] [Adds ports 3]
Value to compare to. If the value in "Switch" matches this one, the entity will be outputted through the port associated to this parameter.
Default [Compound] [Adds ports 4]
If none of the value matches, the entity will be sent to this "Default" output.
Type [Compound]
Performs entity flow control based on the type of entity that is being handled.
Types [List]
List of types to check. The first to evaluate to true will return to its corresponding output.
Type [Choice] [Adds ports 5]
Type to verify against. If the entity matches this type, it will be outputted through the port associated to this parameter.
Else [Compound] [Adds ports 6]
If none of the types match, the entity will be sent to this "Else" output.


  • Input [Single | Entity]: The entity which is meant to be redirected based the evaluated condition/value/type.


This node has no native outputs.

Parameter Outputs

  • [1] If [Entity]: Output through which the entity will come if the condition is true.
  • [2] Else [Entity]: Output through which the entity will come if the condition is false for all the others.
  • [3] Case [Entity]: Output through which the entity will come if the value matches.
  • [4] Else [Entity]: Output through which the entity will come if the value does not match any of the others.
  • [5] Type [Entity]: Output through which the entity will come if the type matches.
  • [6] Else [Entity]: Output through which the entity will come if the type does not match any of the others.