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Performs data analysis, filtering and organization on collections of entities.


Tags: Entity, Aggregation, Count, Distinct, Order By, Reverse, Shuffle, Take


Operation [Select]
Type of collection operation to perform.
Aggregation [Compound]
Aggregates attribute values and stores the result into other attributes.
Value [Object]
A parameter that accepts any type of data. Is set as an expression by default.
Operation [Choice]
Type of aggregative operation to perform.
Aggregated Value [Attribute]
Attribute where to store the aggregated value.
Count [Compound]
Performs counting or indexing on the input collection.
Index [Attribute]
Writes a sequence number corresponding to the number of each entity in the sequence.
Count [Attribute]
Writes the total number of entities on the collection.
Distinct [Compound]
Filters repeated entities in the collection. Especially useful to remove repeated references to the same entity.
Order By [Compound]
Orders elements of the input collection according to values of their attributes.
Criteria [List]
List of criteria on which the ordering should be based. Several criteria can be defined.
Criterium [Compound]
Attribute-based criteria by which to order.
Value [Object]
A parameter that accepts any type of data. Is set as an expression by default.
Descending [Boolean]
Indicates if the ordering on this criteria should be from the greatest to the smallest.
Reverse [Compound]
Reverses the order of the input collection.
Shuffle [Compound]
Randomly orders the elements in the input collection.
Seed [Int]
Seed of the random shuffler. Controls the randomness look the shuffle.
Take [Compound] [Adds ports 1]
Takes a specified number of contiguous elements from a certain position of the input collection.
Starting Index [Int]
Index where to start the extraction.
Amount [Int]
Number of items (starting at 'Starting Index') to extract to the first port.
Loop [Boolean]
If checked, a repetitive, alternating pattern will be applied. Example: 10 elements (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J), Starting and Amount = 2 will return A B,E,F,I,J to the first output and C,D,G,H to the second one.


  • Input [Collective | Entity]: The entities that will be operated on.


  • Output [Entity]: The entities that were operated on.

Parameter Outputs

  • [1] Else [Entity]: Entities that are not delivered through the other port.