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Actor Translate

Applies translation transformations to Actors.


Tags: Actor, Reset, Translate


Operation [Select]
Transformation to apply.
Reset [Compound]
Resets the position of the actor.
X [Choice]
Alignment of the X coordinate.
None means that the coordinate will not be changed.
Minimum means that the actor's minimum value for this coordinate will match the origin.
Maximum means that the actor's maximum value for this coordinate will match the origin.
Center means that the actor's average of this coordinate will match the origin.
Y [Choice]
Alignment of the Y coordinate.
None means that the coordinate will not be changed.
Minimum means that the actor's minimum value for this coordinate will match the origin.
Maximum means that the actor's maximum value for this coordinate will match the origin.
Center means that the actor's average value of this coordinate will match the origin.
Z [Choice]
Alignment of the Z coordinate.
None means that the coordinate will not be changed.
Minimum means that the actor's minimum value for this coordinate will match the origin.
Maximum means that the actor's maximum value for this coordinate will match the origin.
Center means that the actor's average value of this coordinate will match the origin.
Translate [Compound]
Translates an actor by a certain offset.
Amount [Vector3D]
Amount to be translated.
Relative To [Choice]
Indicates if the operation should be relative to the scope's direction or to the world.


  • Input [Single | Actor]: The Actor to process.


  • Output [Actor]: The Actor that was processed.